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Translations of the Kolibriethos Website using Google TranslateThe languages in the top frame are:
List of preconfigured languagesPlease click on the language below in which You want this site to be translated:
Some more languages are available here:
ISO-639-Sprachcodes are used by Google Translator.
www-kolibriethos-de.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=ZZ&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp If one is using this translation service too often in a short time,
(by the way there are more than 8000 languages spoken on this earth
There is a problem between consentmanager and Google Translation layer.
Need just (06.08.2024 22:40) to change url for Ukraine because one has to use uk now and not ua.
![]() There is a problem, if Your IP is located in Korea (maybe also in other countires).
It is also possible to use Google Translation ADDONs:
( Googlesuche innerhalb von www.kolibriethos.de )
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